Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Shoes! The Shoes? Oh it's Gotta Be The Shoes!!

Ay, yie yie! The shoes. I mean, can I just lay in a bed of wait, that wouldn't be too tcomfortable. I mean, can I just have a closet full of shoes? Oh universe, bring me a closet full of shoes... Now!
Here are some of the lovely shoes that has sprung upon us this season.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What to Wear For an Interview?

Some people may not know this but first impressions count a lot in the interview process. It's not just about what's on paper that someone is looking for. These days employers are looking for the total package; someone who has it together on paper and in person.

It may seem not that long ago when fashion wasn't that big of a deal in some cases. Of course there was style, we all had our own style, but that didn't constitute fashion. Now, in this day and age, we have to be fashionable. Having ones own style is fine, but it has to be done with taste and should be within the times.
When a lady goes to an interview she should stick with one main color whether it be black, blue, brown, or tan. The colors shouldn't be loud with reds and pinks and yellows. White is always the best option as the 2nd color of choice.

When a lady goes to an interview the best option is always a nice tailored skirt or pant suit. You can never go wrong with something like this. If one doesn't have either, a simple black skirt or nice dress pants, and a white collard shirt, or white fitted shirt with some type of cardigan will do.
When a lady goes to an interview she should definitely not wear open toe shoes. That is a huge, hell no. The shoes should be closed toe and should have some type of heel. The higher, the better. It will give the otherwise low key interview look a little added style.

When a lady goes to an interview she should definitely wear some type of accessories. I'm not saying all of her accessories, but a nice necklace or some earrings. Rings are unnecessary at interviews and so are bangles and bracelets, they just clank against everything.

A lady should definitely wear makeup to an interview. I know some women might not agree with me, but come on; it shouldn't take much to fix yourselves up a little. A little eye liner here, a little mascara there... some lip gloss, and you're set.

A lady should definitely have her nails done for an interview. If you can't make it to get a manicure, at lease file and paint them so they look professional.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Baaaaack my Fashion Kittens!!!

Hey Kiddies, I'm back blogging again!! YAAAYYYYY!!! LOL. Well, I decided that I love to write and I love fashion so why not start blogging again. I have nothing else better to do. But let me just say something that is bothering me right now!! In my former posts, the pictures/videos aren't showing up anymore. This technology thing is really pissing me off, one minute it's this, the next it's that... anyway, lets just make like new and start from scratch. Those postings that you see with just a plain block with nothing in it is just an illusion... just an illusion I say. Keep your eyes off the illusions, it will blind you!!!

So what's new this summer as far as summer trends? A little bit of this a little bit of that, a little bit of last year too!!

Of course high, tall, almighty shoes are still in season. I think as long as there are models on the runway that can walk in those things they will always be in style. But one thing you probably didn't know is that low heels are also making a comeback, so those that can't walk in very high heels, the new trend of the low heel is making its way this summer.

Tribal prints are BIG this summer and I'm pretty sure will last through out the Fall 2010 season as well.

Skinny shorts are a favorite this summer too! Think of your skinnys, but shorts stopping a little above the knee.

Also, what came from Winter 2009 into Summer 2010 is fitted button ups. This is a huge trend! These fitted button ups whether it be from the boys section, or your own section actually can go with all types of garments. Skinnys, skirts, shorts, just plain with a bikini; these are like the new white tee for females.
There's so much more fashion in the world... so many more trends. I just thought I might introduce you to a little bit at a time... after all, fashion can be very overwhelming!! Til next time ♥♥♥

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Shenica Marie is the Name... Fashion Styling is My Game... Take a Look... A picture is worth so many words. Be Inspired 4.12.365