Sunday, March 20, 2011

All Is Fair In Spring And Color

Spring is here and is holding no prisoners when it comes to color. From beige's to hot pinks, and metallics to light blues, all have a say in what is hot for Spring of 2011. The ultimate color that has walked the runway this season is definitely orange. Orange is that color that over the years, it took some getting use to; a little mingling with golds and trying a match up with silver, but now, in its element, orange can be paired up with any given color in the makeup pallet. Black is even acceptable as a matching color without the thought that Halloween is right around the corner.

The hues that are making a big statement this season are Beige, Electric Blue, Orange, Magenta, Pale Yellow, Emerald Green, Red & Navy Blue, just to name a few. Not only are the monotone looks in for this season, the matching of prints with patterns and embellishments with texture is a huge way that these colors are breaking through to show that all is fair in color when it comes to showcasing your style for Spring.

One can only imagine the possibilities of all the different ways to match up the variety of color that Spring has to offer. It can be a little intimidating as well as overwhelming  to think if what you put together really actually works.  A good way to figure this out is to try on many outfits and take pictures of the full looks in the mirror; if you have someone to take the pics for you, even better. View the pictures and judge them from an outsiders perspective. Do they look ridiculous or like you are trying too hard? Or do the pics look hot and unique?  You should always be the one true judge of your own style.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's Talk Vintage Style

Not everyone can appreciate a vintage style. It's a certain love of fashion that can only lead one to understand the affinity that goes along with the appreciation of anything vintage. Vintage clothing and accessories are not to be taken lightly to the serious vintage-ee. Any fashionable person that is a true hoarder of all vintage styles know that they are a collector of the fine arts of fashion and will denounce anyone who feels they are more of a vintage whore than themselves.

If I had to pick one style, it is definitely Vintage. I've been told on a few different occasions that I dress like "an old lady" which I secretly take as a compliment of course. There's nothing like the feel, the smell and the look of something that is dated and different from anything that was made in the here and the now. Whenever I go the the thrift shop and pick up a purse that has that "basement" smell to it, I can not get enough of it. It takes me back to a place that I am not even sure that I've been, but through that purse, I can feel that time and place of when it was first conceived.

Not all vintage is created equal. There are a lot of different debates as to what is considered vintage and what is not. Some would argue that something made in the 80's is too soon to be considered vintage; I beg to differ. Most proclaim that anything from before the 1920's through the 1960's is the vintage market. But then again, I say the vintage lies in the eye of the beholder. There are also those vintage type pieces that have been made in the recent years... but those of course are not really vintage... those are modern day pieces that have been inspired by a vintage look. 

Vintage isn't a name brand like Fendi or Gucci. Something doesn't have to be hundreds or even thousands of dollars to be considered vintage. Some vintage items loose their value as time moves on, some items value increases. A true vintage piece lies in the fabric and the showmanship that was put in to making the garment or accessory. Truth be told, you can go to a garage sale or the Goodwill and find a vintage piece of good presence and quality. There is no better feeling that knowing that you just copped a vintage necklace, or dress for literally a few dollars.

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