Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why This Outfit Works!!!

Mustard, Black, White and Red? It all works, and let me tell you why. Neutrals like black, white, brown, and tan can go with possibly anything, in almost any combination. Pairing neutrals and bolds will allow a look that is sophisticated vibrant and young. Check the stocking ya'll. So FRESH!

Glam God With Vivica A. Fox

My Fool Proof Outfit...Or is it??

So, I had this dress for over a year and I finally decided to wear it. Beautiful isn't it! Part of the reason why this was the only time I wore it, is because the dress is too big. The other reason is because I had no place to wear it. Lucky for me I gained a teeny bit of weight, and my boy had a birthday celebration... thus me wearing this beautiful dress.

Looks great doesn't it? Almost flawless! Look! I didn't even have to wear hardly any accessories.

But the dress was just simply too big. If I didn't wear a belt, the dress would reach right past my knees. I used the ruffles that were suppose to go around the shoulder as a neck tie so the dress would not fall down. And it was still even too big; I had to use a bathing suit top to wear under it. Do you see the shoulder straps that I had to let fall to the sides? I tweaked the FUZZ out of this dress! And made it work for me.
But the truth to the matter is, I wasn't really comfortable. I felt great, looked great, but often found myself fixing my dress where it was belted. Constantly tugging at the top to make it flow easily. And to me... fixing your clothes all the time in the club just isn't attractive!
This dress would be perfect for a size 5/6 5ft 7in or taller. Anyone interested? HOLLA!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is It Getting Cold, Or Is It Just Me?

Ok, summer isn't officially over yet, but fall is right around the corner. What to wear, what to wear? What can I still wear? What CAN'T I wear?? Hmm, this is that time between summer and fall when you are not really sure if you should still be wearing that bright yellow polo, men. Or those, um sandals, ladies. But for those women folk who wore their closed toe pumps all summer... eeewwww, I think it's time to get some new shoes! Holla at me. Please read below for a few small fashion tips and tricks as you enter into this beautiful phase we call... Fall.

Those that are in tropical weather all year round... I hate you! Some of these may not apply to you, read with discretion

Please DON'T wear flip flops, sandals, or shoes that show your toes anymore, the seasons over.
Please DO keep wearing hats, all types, hats are IN.
Please DO keep wearing a nice fitted white tee, key word being WHITE we like*e!
Please DON'T wear jean shorts anymore, unless colored, the seasons done.
Please DO keep wearing your casual (Nooooot khaki, unless cargo), urban, and fatigue shorts.
Please DO wear socks, thank you.
Please DON'T wear the "50 Cent" style wife beaters...ever.

Please DO wear a bra now, the fall season is upon us.
Please DO wear a scarf when needed...
Please DON'T, just don't: COOCHIE CUTTERS! I see ya, STOP!
Please DO show the cleavage, with class of course.
Please DON'T wear brights anymore, meaning's not going to be in this fall.
Please DO bring out those bolds that crept in last fall. YAyyY!!
Please DON'T for the life of you, wear pastels! (That's next winters trend -wink- :)

I'm personally going to be wearing a lot of hoodies this fall. LOVE Hoodies. So functional!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Tiny Statement...

This is my son; ain't he cute! Even though he'd rather walk around in his boxer briefs all day, he still looks damn good in his clothes.
Sneakers: PUMA

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Finter Trend/A Finter Forecast...

Yes people, I'm using the word mesh thingy that people use to mesh words and names together. It's easier ok. Finter=Fall/Winter. Get with it people!

The Trend:
This year, a lot more individuals are catching on to this hot trend that made its way to the mainstream last Fall. The glove ya'll! The oh so sexy glove. See the thing that I love about gloves is that it can be totally dressed up, or totally dressed down; it's that extreme! In the fall and winter, you can use every excuse to wear gloves. And, using gloves is an inexpensive way to charm up an outfit.
Men, you can wear them too! It's not just for the ladies. Throw on your pea coat, your leather jacket, or your urban wear jacket and put some gloves with it.
Anyone looking to find some hot gloves for a good price, Budgets run from $5 -$250 (depending on your taste), email me, and I got you!

The Forecast:
Next year, earmuffs will enter the scene just as gloves slowly eased their way back into the limelight in 2007. Let me tell you about earmuffs people; men, you might want to skip this part unless your a GLF (gay that loves fashion). Metros will want to listen up as well. Earmuffs are what's really good. I have no idea why we sleep on the earmuffs people. They are functional, low maintenance, plus cute!
Case in point-
Your hair will always be the way you left it when you wear earmuffs. A little pull here, tuck there, and you're good to go. Do I need to tell you what a hat does to your hair people?

Mark my words; EARMUFFS!! And remember, you heard it here first!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Being 'In Style' Is Extinct, Being Fashionable Is The New Way

Unless you are living under a rock or have no idea about fashion, you must know that there is no longer a such thing as old and new clothing; just fashionable. These days, everything is IN, from the early 1900's to the 80's and anything before and after that. There was a time when fashion, trends, and fads came and went, but that way is now obsolete. Clothing has become more of what looks good on a person, rather than what is IN now. Of course there are those extremist, like myself, that unleashes some bad ass craze, that later becomes a trend of the season; that's what puts the fun back into fashion for the rest of society.
Having a fashionable wardrobe allows you to relish in fashions playground by trying all the seasons trends and mixing and matching with your own clothing. This way, you don't have to spend a ridiculous amount of money on new clothes all the time (unless you want to).
What is the difference between being fashionable and being in style you ask? It's simple; comfort vs name whoring. You have to be comfortable in what you wear so it can flow easily. If you are not comfortable, you will look very weird in your clothes...which brings me to name whoring. I know you've seen them people; the oddly shaped person squeezed into those Juicy pants, carrying her Juicy bag, with her Juicy puppy carrier. Nothing Juicy about that. I know you know what I'm talking about. Or that older man, chillen with a G-Uinit shirt, the G-Unit jeans with all the patches, and G-Unit sneakers. School dance? Come on people, it's really not that serious.
If we can choose clothing based on what looks good on us, rather than what's supposedly IN, then we'd save ourselves a lot of a lot. And that's where I come in. Holla at ME!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last Minute Summer Outfit for the Fellas!!

Hey there people! So, my boy asked me what he should wear to an upscale Bar-B-Q. Upscale Bar-B-Q? Yeah, my thoughts as well. It was a networking picnic that he was invited to and needed something fly to wear. So, besides me being confused about the whole networking bar-b-q thing, it dawned on me... what a great f*ing idea! Because of the type of networking event it was, having a picnic was a great way to show people in a different light, outside of their normal surroundings. So we jetted off to some stores. This isn't the exact outfit that was purchased, but something very similar. Any guy that can pull off these sneakers is my HERO.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My 10 Minute Outfit. Check it OUT!!

Ok, finally I'm starting my fashion blog, and what better way to start it than to talk about my 10 minute outfit! I was scheduled to go out on Saturday with a girl friend of mine, but got so engrossed in this book I'm reading I didn't even care. She didn't call me I didn't call her, you know how that goes. Anyway, she called me and said she fell asleep but still was going out and was going to be at my place in 10 minutes! I'm like, Damn! So hurried off the phone with her, looked in my closet, found a pretty little black dress, grabbed a scarf, dangle earrings (that I just purchased that day at the parade!), favorite black high sandals, a black purse, and called it a day. Oh, did I mention I had to shave still...dry shave, ugh! I threw all of this together and this is what I came up with:

Damn Sexy right! Absoluto Fabuloso, I know!

And, this is not hard to do my friends. They key to this people, is in the dress. Plain and simple, it's in the dress. Literally and figuratively. Simple is always better, becasue you can always dress it up with your favorite accessories in no time! If materials and garments are too complicated, there is a bigger chance of a dresscode disaster.

And just so you know, this dress = $10 at one of the popualr junior store chains
My shoes and purse?.. Hold your breath...Both for under $15 at a thrift store! WHAT!
Not even going to mention the earrings, too painful (for you) to comprehend
I'm telling you, I finds the dealz, HOLLA AT ME!

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Shenica Marie is the Name... Fashion Styling is My Game... Take a Look... A picture is worth so many words. Be Inspired 4.12.365