Saturday, February 26, 2011

J'Adore Dior.... But Does Dior Love Galliano?

News is spreading fast that one of our favorite trend setting designers might actually be a racist... and it's definitely not a good look. John Galliano, Dior's top couture designer has been arrested and suspending on grounds that he allegedly went on a drunken rant and said some not so nice things about a Jewish couple while he was in Paris. Galliano denied all the claims and can not believe that he has been suspended from Dior on account of hearsay.
I in fact, actually can't believe it either; it's John f*ing Galliano, are they serious? It seems no one is above the law. Everyone knows that Galliano is a fire cracker and it shows within his work, too bad all that flame had to be executed on a poor little Paris couple, allegedly of course, and ultimately leaving Dior's wonder boy in question about his return to the Fashion House of Dior.  After this whole things blows over, I wonder if Galliano's ego is too big to return to the ones who threw him out in the cold after he gave Dior back their breath of fresh air? Hmmm, guess we'll have to wait and see.

Here are a few things from Dior's Spring 2011 Collection:

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